Who exports conflict?

About this Collection

What do I want to find out?

This activity is designed to find out if pupils are aware of our hidden role in conflict by responding to two Worldmapper maps of exports

What do I need?

  • Two Worldmapper maps, showing (a) arms exports and (b) groceries exports. (www.worldmapper.org)
135 arms exports
A) arms exports
B) grocery exports
B) grocery exports

What do I do?

Timing: 5 minutes

  • Show pupils the two maps and ask what they think the export is in each case. Individually, or in pairs, pupils should record their ideas on post it notes, then place them on each map.
  • Save, or photograph, the post it notes on each map.
  • Reveal what the two exports are (arms and groceries) but not which is which. Ask them to identify which is which using ‘hands up’.
  • EITHER reveal the actual answers and ask ‘Are you surprised? Why/why not?’ taking note of their responses.

OR don’t reveal the answer, carry out the intervention and then repeat the            same activity.

  • Record the number of times they correctly identified which was which and the number who were surprised at the correct answers.

How do I analyse the results?

  • From the post it notes list all the products recorded on each map and how often each was mentioned.
  • Record the number of times the pupils correctly identified arms and groceries as the two exports.
  • From the pupils’ responses look for any evidence of their awareness of our role in the arms trade. Where does their information come from and to what extent is it accurate? Do they make the connection between our role and the possible consequences of conflict?

As part of your teaching use these questions to promote further discussion:

Who is responsible?

What should be done?

Who needs to take action?

How do I measure the change?

  • If the answers haven’t been revealed initially you can repeat the activity and compare the two sets of results. Are pupils more aware of our involvement in the arms trade? To what extent were they surprised by it?
  • This activity can be extended using other worldmapper maps relating to peace and conflict and matching them to cards giving the topic of each map. To what extent are pupils becoming more aware of our interdependence?
  • Look out for examples of pupils’ growing understanding of inequalities in world trade and how this can relate to peace and conflict.