Please Search our collections to find activities and resources. If you go to a case study below, it’ll tell you what activity collection it was from.
Are there any things women should not do? Secondary school case study
Can women be pilots? Exploring gender stereotypes in Czech Republic
Challenging assumptions about diversity in a rural primary school
Czech secondary school re-considering their preconceptions about the developing world
Designing Google Doodles to challenge stereotypes of Brazil and help meet the MDGs
Discussing views of Majority and Minority world countries with Ethiopian students
Exploring families and sexuality in Secondary School through Language and Literature
Exploring the whole world with a focus on similarities across the whole school curriculum
How British is Britain? Secondary school case study
Improving empathy skills with Philosophy for Children and a film about a child from Palestine
Is this a family? Teaching about same-sex families in an urban primary school
Made in China? Secondary school pupils in Czech Republic challenge their perceptions
Mumbai or Brighton? Using parents' holiday photos to balance images of India
Using lunchboxes to challenge gender stereotypes
Using story books with Foundation Stage children to promote inclusion and empathy
What do you know about Jamaica? Primary school case study
What do you think about the hijab? Secondary special school case study
What would you see in Kenya? Primary school case study
Who would you choose as your new classmate? Primary school case study from Slovakia
Human Rights
Discovering different viewpoints on migrants through Religious Studies with Secondary school pupils
How do we decide which charity to donate money to? A Czech school evaluates their fundraising activities
Human Rights for everyone? Primary school challenging stereotypes of immigration
Justice not pity - a secondary school explore opportunities for taking action
Primary school compares charity and microfinance using a true story from Ghana
Primary school's thoughts on different forms of housing
Students in Ireland challenging their perception of where the world's refugees actually go to seek safety
Understanding attitudes on children's rights with a partner school in Sierra Leone
Using immersive theatre to inspire students to take action for human rights in Further Education
What does home mean? Secondary school case study from the Czech Republic
Which would make the best home? exploring ideas of homes through work on Kenya in Primary school
Czech vocational school class discussing their consumer behaviour
Deepening children's thinking on Fairtrade through Philosophy for Children
Evaluating our fundraising activities in a Secondary school
London secondary school exploring causes of hunger together with Indian partner school
People can make a difference! Case study by a Slovakian primary school
Secondary school exploring wealth and poverty through role play
Thinking about local and global poverty in French lessons
Thinking together about food - sharing ideas with Kenyan pupils
To build or not to build? Case study by a secondary vocational school in Czech Republic
Using Send My Friend to School to empower children
Which brand is the best? Primary school case study
Which tomatoes would you buy? Case study by a Czech primary school
Who grew your flowers? Secondary school work on Fair Trade
Would you prefer a school that welcomes everyone or a school with good results? Children discuss what makes a good community
Peace and Conflict
Challenging stereotypes in world news at a Further Education Academy in Slovakia
Comparing weapons in schools with weapons globally in a Secondary school
Fair or Unfair? Understanding social justice in Early Years
Resolving playground conflict through English work
Sadako's story - thinking beyond the traditional definition of 'peace'
Secondary school finding ways to resolve conflicts
Secondary school uses World Mapper to track global flows of goods
What if...? An infant school evaluating children's moral imagination
Building land yachts and making sustainable materials choices in Design and Technology
Debating the pros and cons of energy sources in Design and Technology work
Ethiopian teacher training college and the sustainability of our consumer choices
Nursery school thinking about "Reduce, reuse, recycle"
Primary school discussing water usage around the World
Primary school mapping the environmental impact of bottled water
What is better for you, bottled or tap water? A primary school investigates water uses in Zambia and India